Financial services can be lonely and challenging, even for a fearless lady like you. You need a group of women surrounding you to support you, cheer you on, and challenge you to want more for yourself. If this is what you're looking for, look no further!
Our mission is to help women in our industry make more money, have more fun, or both! And, we're excited for you to be a part of it.

Upcoming Meetings & Events
Our monthly meetings are a place to get to know other members and learn valuable insights from industry experts. Most meetings are virtual so you can join in from wherever you are!
How to Get Involved
We're always looking for committed leaders who want to support the sisterhood of women we've built. We need your experience and expertise along with your commitment to lift up other women!

In The News
We're extremely proud of our accomplishments. This entirely volunteer organization has dedicated itself to supporting other women in the industry and in 2023 we were honored as the Chapter of the Year. Not to brag or anything, but that's a pretty big deal!
Our History & Mission
Take a moment to watch WIFS' 85th Anniversary Video to learn about our history. Founded in 1936, WIFS is the largest women’s association empowering women in the insurance and financial services profession to succeed. WIFS members work together to attract, develop and advance women in an underrepresented profession.